October 2020 Top Sales Offer: Three complete, 60 Hz gas-fired power plant units between 30 and 200 MWe can be auctioned on October 8., 2020[Oct. 2020] In the Middle East, an online auction of these three units with a total capacity of around 330 MW will take place on October 8th; the units can be...
[July 2020] Located in Western Europe, these two power generation units for sale consist of 2 General Electric gas turbine generator sets, built in 2005, each with an electrical output of approx. 125 MWe. For both sets, the operating times so far have been approx. 105,000 hours and 1,200...
[June 2020] Many of our customers’ offers are labelled “unused”, “zero-hours-operation” or “as new”, trend increasing. Accordingly, the interest of buyers in such equipment is growing, too. In Europe, and especially in the emerging markets of Asia, investors cancelled...
[May 2020] This is the question that every operator actually asks himself when further operation at the current plant location is no longer viable. With our well-established troveo evaluation method, we can answer this question fast and accurately, regardless of whether the asset is only 3 or...
[April 2020] It is almost a year ago that the resale of a second-hand coal-fuelled 100 MWth steam generator was finalised. troveo enabled this perfect match and accompanied professionally the entire resale process for both the seller and the buyer. By the End of November 2018, the potential buyer...
[Feb / Sept. 2020] In mid-Septmber 2020, world-wide experts for dismantling, relocation and reassembly will resemble at this year’s “Global Decommissioning and Demolition of Fossil Fuel Power Plants Conference and Expo” held in Prague, Czech Republic. The current conference programme can be found...
[Dec. 2019] This top offer (see exposé) is a coal or gas fired power plant unit (50 Hz), which went into operation at the end of the 1980s. Only 10 years ago, a complete overhaul of the unit took place. Now, almost the entire system is for sale as a package, as it is and where it is.The plant with...
Top condition, price negotiable – Why the internet of things can also be the internet of big things (Power Plant Online)[Nov. 2019] Buying a power plant online would have been inconceivable a few years back. When troveo launched its marketing concept a good two years ago, there were still a large...
[October 2019] Located in Asia, this unused, 50 Hz, open cycle GT plant for sale is available any time subject to payment conditions (troveo ID number: PPO-44). This plant comprises a gas turbine H-25, manufactured by Hitachi, and a SGEN5-100A-2P power generator, by Siemens. This equipment was...
[August 2019] Located in Western Europe, this power generation unit for sale consists of 2 General Electric gas turbine generator sets, built in 2005, each with an electrical output of approx. 125 MWe. For each set, the operating time so far has been approx. 90,000 operating hours and approx....
[July 2019] Built in Western Europe in 1979, this unit was retrofitted in 2013 in order to increase its capacity, to significantly extend its operating life span and to meet state of the art efficiency targets.This thermal power plant unit with hard coal boiler is fully equipped with a modern flue...
[June 2019] This second-hand generation set resembles a typical industry size unit with a Solar Taurus 70 gas-turbine and a subsequent Turbomach power generator. This well maintained, currently dismantled and well preserved generation unit became available due to site restructuring in late 2018....