[Mar. 2022] An online auction will take place until Mai 31st. The Siemens gas turbine set unit with a capacity of around 15 MW is located in Germany. The set consists of a Siemens SGT-400 50 Hz Gas turbine with a Siemens Type generator module I/O JB107. The Gas Turbine is Natural Gas fuelled and...
[Feb.-Mar. 2021] Any lignite fired TPP has a lignite open or deep pit in tow. Often such mines are still functional or have stopped operations at the same time as the TPP stopped power generation. In most cases, the mines belong to the same investor. They have valuable mining machines and often...
[Dec. 2021] With regard to sales offers, the answer about the “when” is as short as it is simple: About one year before decommissioning – and for main single equipment about half a year before going out of service – with a duration of ca. six months after the termination of your preservation...
[Oct. 2021] At troveo, we frequently receive inquiries on existing power plants, primarily gas-fired, which can continue to be operated on site.For example, since last month, an internationally well-established utility company from East Asia (China excluded) is looking via troveo for ROMM...
[June 2021] Often, especially in the case of used power plant or other generation units, the associated spare parts are largely available in stock. Often owners of used power plants or components ask themselves whether the spare parts in stock should be offered together with the block on sale or...
[May. 2021] This gas fuelled plant (with GT type GE6001FA) was commissioned in 1998 and was a part of a CHP plant, owned by a major European utility company. This GT gen set had been operating mainly as a peak producer and in emergencies until 2010, with a total running time of just 14,517 hours....
[March 2021] In Germany, the new hot topic “Redispatch 2.0” regime will – for the first time – oblige all of the more than 800 distribution system operators to contribute proactively to offset grid congestions in a cost-optimised manner. These new rules, which are to be implemented...
[Jan. 2021] We wish all our colleagues and business partners a happy, safe and successful 2021! Let´s further optimise your offers and searches: Just always input the most important key data describing your equipment, so that we process all offers and requests effectively and goal oriented. We...
[Nov. 2020] A Siemens SGT800A+ gas turbine generator plant is offered form Western Europe for relocation as of April 2021. This open cycle GT plant has been in operation since 2005 and will have about 110,000 EOH and 900 starts upon it’s decommissioning next Spring.Modifications as recommended by...
[Oct. 2020] Despite owners and operators hanging on a lot to their power plant facilities – at some point in time they have to say good bye to them. A sense of reality is crucial at this important step of selling these assets. Most people value the things they own far too high, while someone who...
[Sept. 2020] Highly reliable, continuous power generation from renewable energy – located at different sites in Western Europe, these two complete power plants each consist of a CFB type boiler and a steam turbine generator set, with electrical outputs of approx. 90 and 135 MWe.Both plants...
[August 2020] A power plant sale is not necessarily driven by decisions to decommission and relocate it to a new destination: An increasing number of companies, amongst others well established major power producers, are looking via troveo to purchase shares in running power plants or to share...